John Abraham


John Abraham is a professor of thermal and fluid sciences at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. Professor Abraham earned his PhD at the University of Minnesota, and among other areas, his expertise extends to biological heat transfer and climate change. It is in this capacity that Professor Abraham provided an invaluable contribution to Phase Change. It is based on his research that the three sets of lights were programmed to represent the pre-industrial, current, and projected “disaster” future scenarios.

Trevor Pearson


Trevor Pearson is an ice sculptor based in the Twin Cities. Known for his recent win at the 2016 St. Paul Winter Carnival Carving Competition, Trevor is the son of world-renowned ice sculptor Maurie Pearson. Following in his father’s footsteps, Trevor enjoys great success in the field as an accomplished artist and small business owner, owning and operating his business, Metro Ice Sculptures. It is in this regard that Trevor provided counsel to the Phase Change design team, offering crucial fabrication advice regarding the construction of the ice walls.

Will Steger


Will Steger is a polar explorer known for leading the first confirmed dogsled journey to the North Pole. He is also an educator, author, environmentalist, and passive icehouse enthusiast. On his journey to the poles, Steger bore firsthand eyewitness to the melting of the polar ice caps as a result of global warming. Since then, he has committed himself to spreading awareness about climate change and empowering individuals to make a difference, founding Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy, an organization committed to engaging people in conversation about solutions to global warming. He gives presentations worldwide advocating the need for action in response to current climate chaos.